Year 1 - Meet the Team
Miss Clough
Miss Owens
Teaching Assistant
Miss Ward
Miss Williams
Teaching Assistant
Miss Clough
Miss Owens
Teaching Assistant
Miss Ward
Miss Williams
Teaching Assistant
These are the trips Year 1 are going on this year.
Trip to Danby National Park Thursday 10th October At Danby the children will use geographical skills and use a map to complete a treasure hunt around the park. |
Trip to Beamish Open Air Museum Friday 7th March History skills: The children will travel to the 1950s welfare hall and play with a variety of toys and games that children would have enjoyed in the past. Pupils will enjoy playing with a range of toys, some they may be familiar with and some that will be new to them. During all our Childhood Toys, the children will have the opportunity to play with indoor and outdoor, wooden, metal and plastic, moving and static and group and individual toys. |
Trip to Hopetown Darlington Wednesday 7th May History skills: The children will discover key knowledge about the Stockton and Darlington Railway through hands on workshops and within the immersive environment of North Road Station Museum. The children will discover: Why did we need the Stockton & Darlington Railway? Who was involved? Where did the line go? What happened on the day the railway opened? What jobs did people do and what did the railway carry? |
School day
The school door opens at 8:40am.
The end of the school day is 3:15pm-Children should be picked up from the school hall.
P.E will be on a Monday afternoon for both classes in Year 1. Children can come to school in their P.E kit for this session.
Home Learning: All homework will be set on Class Dojo Stories. This will be: phonics / spelling, tricky word flash cards, rapid recall and daily reading. Research has shown that this is the most beneficial kind of homework.
- Reading: Every child is expected to read each night. Please try to hear your child read and make a comment on the child's Dojo profile. Make sure that they bring their reading book into school every week so that the staff can change books for the new ones. They can also access their reading books via the 'ebooks' on the Big Cat link below.
Rapid Recall: Children will be given an online activity to reinforce their learning of Mathematical key knowledge. An example of the question types in the quiz will also be given. Children should practice a little a few times a week and they will be tested in school to see how well they are doing, weekly
Useful Links
Click on the image
Year 1 Current Learning
Year 1 Past Learning