Year 2 - Meet the Team

Mrs Edwards

Mrs Edwards

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Williams

Mrs Williams


Mr Dalton

Mr Dalton


Miss Gray

Miss Gray

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Khan

SEND support TA


PE will be on Monday morning and all children need to be wearing the correct PE kit to be able to take part.

Forest School and Comando Joe will be moving dates - look for your messages from the Year 2 staff to keep you updated.


Trips so far this year



Danby Education Centre - 23/10/23

At Danby the children will use geographical skills and fieldwork to describe the location of features and routes on a map; use aerial photographs and plans to recognise landmarks and features; use and construct basic symbols in a key.

Hartlepool Marina Naval Museum - 31/1/24

To consolidate our history topic Pirate or Privateer? We are taking the children to Hartlepool Marina Naval museum where they will experience an educational workshop where your child will experience a full day guided tour and workshop.


Home Learning: We will send home a dojo message on a weekly basis detailing what the homework is for that week.  Usually it will be Rapid Recall learning and Spellings.

  • Reading: Every child is expected to read each night. Please try to hear your child read, sign their reading record and make sure that they bring their reading book and reading record into school each day so that the staff can hear them reading their books.

Big Cat Ebooks and Mathletics are also available for children to use at home.

If your child has lost their log in, just drop your teacher a message on Dojo and we can provide you with it. 

Click the image to access the website


Year 2 this term

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Our STEM focus is looking at animals including humans and finding out what they need to survive. We will be looking closely at how a balance diet, exercise, sleep and being hygienic are all key elements of humans being able to survive and be healthy as well as investigating life cycles, including those animals who go through the process of metamorphosis.
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Our focus in English is Grammarsaurus which is helping us to understand word classification. We will be looking closely into nouns, both common and proper, verbs and sentence structure. Poetry can be so much fun to listen to and perform and we will be exploring lots of poems, particularly The Sound Collector by Roger McGough and The Rhythm of Time by Michael Rosen.
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In Geography this half-term we are looking at the geographical differences between Teesside and Cairo. We will be introducing the terms human and physical geography and grouping and classifying famous landmarks of both areas using them.

Year 2 Past Learning

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