Year 6 - Meet the Team
Mrs Tash
Mr Dawson
Mrs Dickinson
Teaching Assistant
Ms Oates
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Deakin
SEN support
Miss Hearfield
SEND support TA
Welcome to Year 6
This year PE is on a Friday morning.
Physical Education is a statuary part of the Primary school curriculum and important for all children to take part.
To do this, all children MUST be in the correct PE uniform.
So that children do not have to get changed into their kit they can come to school in:
- Black jogging bottoms/leggings.
- White T-shirt Black trainers – no marking sole
- Red school jumper or cardigan
If your child is unable to take part in PE for any reason you must send a message via DOJO to their class teacher.
Both Forest School and Commando Joe will begin in the Summer term. We will let you know the appropriate clothing closer to the time.
Learning Website Links -
Please click on the image to access each website.
Home Learning: Spelling homework will continue to be set on Class Dojo Story on a Monday. Daily reading is vital and research has shown that this is the most beneficial kind of homework.
- Reading: Every child is expected to read each night. The children are to access their 'Reading Plus' account to support their reading progress and comprehension. We also encourage the children to read chapter or non fiction book, for enjoyment.
- Spellings: Children will receive a set of spellings to learn each week that they must practise daily. Spelling frame will support this activity.
- Times Table Rock Stars: As times tables are such a huge part of the curriculum, they must be practised daily. Year 6 children will be more successful in the end of key stage test if they have a secure times tables knowledge.
Year 6 Current Learning