Welcome to Harrow Gate Academy Reception!
We have two classes, Buttercups and Daisies.
Mrs Pybus Miss Davison
Reception Teacher Reception Teacher
Early Years Lead Buttercups Class
Daisies Class
Useful websites
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At Harrow Gate Primary Academy, we know our children well and care whole heartedly for each of them. We feel privileged to be able to guide and nurture them, along with their parents and carers. We provide a high-quality EYFS education giving children a secure and confident start to their full-time school life. We are committed to nurturing a lifelong love of learning alongside the aims of the EYFS statutory framework.
We strive for high standards, consider the development of the whole child and seek to foster achievement, resilience and trust within our EYFS - the A.R.T of Harrow Gate Primary Academy!
At Harrow Gate Primary Academy we love to read! Our curriculum topics are linked to Power of Reading and we utilise any opportunity to share a range of stories with the class. We will provide children with a school reading book and a sharing book (this could be either a story book or a non-fiction text which their parents/carers will share with them), children will keep these books for a week, and they will be changed on a Friday. Please take the time to sit and share these books with your child, if you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to speak to one of the team.
Every half term as part of our learning, we will encourage the children to partake in a home learning activity linked to our topic. We do not give the children homework but we do expect all children to read on a regular basis.
What is the daily routine?
The children will be welcomed at the door by a member of the reception team from 8:40. We encourage the children to take off and hang up their coats and bags independently before joining their peers on the carpet for registration and morning activities. Learning starts right away, so please ensure your child is on time to give them the best start to their school day. Children have a 45-minute lunch break where they can enjoy a range of wholesome school meals, or bring their own packed lunch. A healthy lunch time meal supports children’s learning success for the rest of the day - if you decide to send your child with a packed lunch please see the school’s guidance on packed lunch contents attached at the bottom of this page. Throughout each day your child will receive a careful balance of direct teaching, small group work and child-initiated play. You can read more about this in the section below.
How will my child be learning?
We aim to provide the essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for their future success and to give children the best possible start to their early education. We provide inviting classroom environments indoors and outdoors to stimulate learners and engage them in developing the three ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’ as set out within the EYFS Framework.:
- playing and exploring – children investigate and experience things and ‘have a go.’
- active learning – children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties and enjoy achievements
- creating and thinking critically – children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.
We carefully plan our EYFS curriculum to meet the following aims:
- Foster a love of learning which inspires curiosity.
- Provide experiences of awe and wonder.
- Ensure all children have access to high quality learning opportunities.
- Provide parents/carers with the opportunity to develop their child’s learning at home.
- Develop knowledge and understanding of the community and wider world.
Learning opportunities are rooted in quality first teaching across all areas of the curriculum, stimulating learning environments indoors and out, facilitated by skilled, supportive and nurturing practitioners. There is a carefully planned balance of adult-led and child-initiated learning opportunities which evolves according to the children’s development throughout the school year.
Why are parent partnerships so important?
Working together with parents and carers is very important. Parent partnerships are key to a successful early years’ experience for children and for them to gain the most out of their early education and reach expected levels of development. At Harrow Gate the staff will share information at the beginning and end of the day and also at various other points such as meetings to discuss development.
- Parents know their children best
- It helps the child to feel safe and secure while in the setting if they see that their parents feel comfortable there.
- To create a shared level of expectation
- To information share about new levels of development, any concerns and any new likes or dislikes
- To keep up to date with what is happening outside the setting, especially if the home situation may be causing problems for the child
- Parents can feel secure to seek advice, help and support should they need it
- To make transitions throughout the setting smooth
- Improve practice and outcomes for the children, ensuring every child has their full individual needs met.
What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage: a guide for parents. https://foundationyears.org.uk/files/2021/09/What-to-expect-in-the-EYFS-complete-FINAL-16.09-compressed.pdf
We use the class Dojo System to remain in constant contact with parents and carers. Please ask for your child's code to log in and join us. You can keep track of your child's rewards and sanctions. We will also send important information and homework over the shared story. You can make a learning journey for your child and input their learning experiences from home too.
To build on positive behaviour each class has a class mascot that will be given to one child on a Friday who has shown fantastic- Achievement, Resilience or Trust within the environment. The children can share weekend activities with the class mascot and the following Monday this will be shared with the whole class.
School Uniform
Why have we chosen our uniform?
- Harrow Gate Primary Uniform is a red jumper and grey / black bottoms.
- Our children need to be able to be physically active all of the times. Being active is a prime area of the Early Years curriculum.
- Being independent is very important therefore footwear and clothing that can easily be taken on and off, pulled up and fastened is recommended.
White / red polo shirt.
Red jumper / cardigan.
Black shorts / jogging bottoms / leggings / skirt.
Black Plimsolls, shoes or boots - no branded footwear.
Long hair must be tied back.
No jewellery to be worn.
Please note that children may well get their uniforms messy through the learning journey they have been on that day! We do our best to ensure children are wearing aprons wherever possible when engaged in messy activities but with lots of wonderful children to care for and lots of messy play on offer, your child’s uniform may get the odd splatter of paint, white board pen, grass stains, mud marks! If your child comes home with a few marks on their uniform, ask them what they have been doing that day and they will usually tell you a fun story behind it – thank you for your support!
Reception Current Learning
Reception current learning
Reception Past Learning
Reception past learning
Contacting Us
Please feel free to contact us on 01642 673984 if you have any questions or wish to talk to us about your child. We are always happy to help in any way we can.
Thank you for your support!
The Reception Team